April 30, 2010
Staff Elbow Hired
Wonson O'Schmallfoot has been hired on as new Staff Elbow. O'Schmallfoot's responsibilities will include assassinating any Roundheads that come within 10 square miles of blog HQ.
"Im honored." said Schmallfoot.

Please join us in welcoming Wonson to our family.
- Staff Wonson Man Ed Xomcheese
"Im honored." said Schmallfoot.

Please join us in welcoming Wonson to our family.
- Staff Wonson Man Ed Xomcheese
April 29, 2010
Vernon Found Dead, Jed Hired
Staff Horse Vernon, famous for his overthrowing of former staff horse Donkey Face Nelson, has been found dead. Early reports point to assassination.
"I killed him." said Pal Fimply, Staff Assassin.
Vernon (Dead)

In his place, the staff here at The Jerk would like to introduce Jed Nelson, new Staff Donkey.
"My father is Donkey Face," said Jed upon hearing of his hiring, "and he'll be back!"
Jed Nelson

Please join us in offering Jed our congratulations.
- Staff Donkey Man Ed Xomcheese
"I killed him." said Pal Fimply, Staff Assassin.
Vernon (Dead)

In his place, the staff here at The Jerk would like to introduce Jed Nelson, new Staff Donkey.
"My father is Donkey Face," said Jed upon hearing of his hiring, "and he'll be back!"
Jed Nelson

Please join us in offering Jed our congratulations.
- Staff Donkey Man Ed Xomcheese
Braybush, living on Crugg-Fonchonski's Nose, Dead
Crugg-Fonchonski's Nose Grows
Buck Crugg-Fonchonski, staff soft-boiled egg, has a larger nose, according to an ear with knowledge of the situation.

Crugg-Fonchonski's nose is expected to compete for the coveted Staff Schnozz position, which recently opened up after the firing of Nostril Randolph.
- Crugg-Fonchonski correspondent Nenny Nerflin

Crugg-Fonchonski's nose is expected to compete for the coveted Staff Schnozz position, which recently opened up after the firing of Nostril Randolph.
- Crugg-Fonchonski correspondent Nenny Nerflin
April 28, 2010
April 27, 2010
Pepano Deaths Rocks Headquarters
Sal and Al Pepano have been offed by Pal Fimply, who returned from the dead to take over from the deceased Pepanos as Staff Assassin, according to Pal Fimply.
"There's a new avocado in town," said Fimply.


Al and Sal Pepano (1883-2010)
Fimply also released a chilling statement through his goldfish, Ron:
"I'll off every Pepano that swims in my mustard pool. The Fimplys are the new name in assassinations at Hey Jerk."
"There's a new avocado in town," said Fimply.


Al and Sal Pepano (1883-2010)
Fimply also released a chilling statement through his goldfish, Ron:
"I'll off every Pepano that swims in my mustard pool. The Fimplys are the new name in assassinations at Hey Jerk."
April 26, 2010
Rainbow Goes Rogue, Seen Fleeing in Pickles Uniform
Staff Editor Oscar Rainbow, known for his terrible fecal deposits and insane ramblings and murders, has gone rogue. He was last seen in his former "Atlanta Pickles" adult baseball uniform, sitting in the bleachers at a local elementary school at 3 AM. Mr. Rainbows career Pickle stat line is as follows:
5 Seasons
160 At Bats
4 Hits
3 Caught Stealing
2 Pick Offs of Fat Guys leading off of First
0 Innings Pitched, 5 Pitches thrown, One hit batsmen, one nearly murdered Pickle First Baseman
Career .053 Batting Average

In response, The Jerk has decided to embrace Rainbow in his time of insanity, and have given Rainbow a dual role as Staff Editor and Staff Insane Baseball Player. Please offer your congratulations to Mr. Rainbow on his newest endeavor.
- Staff Correspondent/Baseball Man Ed Xomcheese
5 Seasons
160 At Bats
4 Hits
3 Caught Stealing
2 Pick Offs of Fat Guys leading off of First
0 Innings Pitched, 5 Pitches thrown, One hit batsmen, one nearly murdered Pickle First Baseman
Career .053 Batting Average

In response, The Jerk has decided to embrace Rainbow in his time of insanity, and have given Rainbow a dual role as Staff Editor and Staff Insane Baseball Player. Please offer your congratulations to Mr. Rainbow on his newest endeavor.
- Staff Correspondent/Baseball Man Ed Xomcheese
April 25, 2010
Bill Queh Sr. Hired
Hey Jerk has hired Bill Queh Sr. to supervise his son, Bill Jr., a recently-appointed staff dance instructor.
In an unorthodox move, Queh Sr. has hired Sal and Al Pepano as his personal assassins.
"In case I need to get rid of anyone, especially my son, who has a problem with stealing hot dogs," Queh Sr. said through his interpreter, coconut.
- Correspondent Mindy Roundhead
April 24, 2010
Two Die in Explosion
April 23, 2010
Bill Queh Back, Hired as Staff Dance Instructor
In a shocking move, Bill Queh has risen from the dead and been hired at The Jerk as Staff Dance Instructor.
"I learned some things while I was away," said Queh through his Queh Interpreter, Rocco Frompley (also hired), "and I want to share my wealth of knowledge with my fellow Jerk peers."
Bill Queh

Rocco Frompley

Frompley promised to interpret Queh in an honorable fashion.
"I promise." said Frompley.
- Staff Queh Man Ed Xomcheese
"I learned some things while I was away," said Queh through his Queh Interpreter, Rocco Frompley (also hired), "and I want to share my wealth of knowledge with my fellow Jerk peers."
Bill Queh
Rocco Frompley

Frompley promised to interpret Queh in an honorable fashion.
"I promise." said Frompley.
- Staff Queh Man Ed Xomcheese
April 22, 2010
Help us Re-Name the Site
Vote on poll at top right of front page and help us give Hey Jerk, Get off my Lawn a new name
Your choices:
1. Stay with "Fonchonskiland!"
2. "Celery Baker"
3. "Ernie Venable Memoirs"
4. "Sanchules Illustrated"
5. "Wombat Franklin"
6. "Excuse me, idiot, would you mind leaving my front lawn in a timely manner?"
Your choices:
1. Stay with "Fonchonskiland!"
2. "Celery Baker"
3. "Ernie Venable Memoirs"
4. "Sanchules Illustrated"
5. "Wombat Franklin"
6. "Excuse me, idiot, would you mind leaving my front lawn in a timely manner?"
April 21, 2010
New Staff Czar/Qwumbian Ernie49 Slain; Rule of Fonchonski Begins
After about 3 hours of uneventful reign, Ernie49 - recently appointed Qwumbian ruler - has been assassinated. This marks the second Qwumbian to be killed at the blog in as many days, sparking rumors that Zerbakians are on "their way up" around here.

More to come as interplanetary war approaches.
- Staff Alien Man Ed Xomcheese

In an unprecedented move, Brooble Fonchonski - son of Staff Chef Mrooble Fonchonski - has agreed in principle to take over as Staff Luminary.
Brooble Fonchonski
"Zerbakians paid good money to have Ernie removed," said Fonchonski through his newly hired Staff Fonchonski Interpreter, Mrooble Fonchonski, "and now its time for some changes.
In his first official move as Staff Luminary, Brooble has enforced his rule by changing the official name of the blog to "Fonchonskiland."
More to come as interplanetary war approaches.
- Staff Alien Man Ed Xomcheese
Murray Enters Race Against Braybush
Murray, former hobo weapon supplier, has put his "name in the hat" against Emmit Braybush. Both are running for Staff Mascot - a highly sought after position that has been held by Rodney "Fat Neck" Glenn for over 14 years.
"Neither of them have the gusto to unseat me." said Glenn.

Braybush, while not surprised by Murray's entry into the race, was skeptical of any challenge. "Murray's a loser. Always has been."
Murray had no response, but did poo in his cubicle outside Jerk HQ.
- Staff Correspondent Ed Xomcheese
"Neither of them have the gusto to unseat me." said Glenn.

Braybush, while not surprised by Murray's entry into the race, was skeptical of any challenge. "Murray's a loser. Always has been."
Murray had no response, but did poo in his cubicle outside Jerk HQ.
- Staff Correspondent Ed Xomcheese
Tuftberry Crushed Into Ground Beef; Ernie49 New Czar
Staff Czar Clifton Tuftberry has been chopped up and cooked on a medium-temperature stove into ground beef, according to a salt shaker with knowledge of the situation. Tuftberry was czar for nine days and instituted several ground-breaking programs, including Everyone Rush Over to Barry and Chew on his Fingers and No-Poo Tuesdays.

With Tuftberry's passing, Hey Jerk acted quickly, naming Qwumbian Ernie49 new staff czar. The former taco will start immediately.
Staff Czar Clifton Tuftberry has been chopped up and cooked on a medium-temperature stove into ground beef, according to a salt shaker with knowledge of the situation. Tuftberry was czar for nine days and instituted several ground-breaking programs, including Everyone Rush Over to Barry and Chew on his Fingers and No-Poo Tuesdays.
With Tuftberry's passing, Hey Jerk acted quickly, naming Qwumbian Ernie49 new staff czar. The former taco will start immediately.

April 19, 2010
Braybush Hired
Recently hired Zerbakian, Cunkhull, has been placed under arrest and thrown in the Hey Jerk slammer without trial.

Chlembhat 16, Qwumbian and former Staff Computer Technician, was found slain this morning in his hole outside Jerk headquarters.
Chlehbhat 16

While motive is not yet known, it is believed that the general hatred between Qwumbans and Zerbakians was the cause of the slaying. Cunkhull is not speaking on the matter, but did have this to say:
"Look at the qwumbian. His legs formed a H."
Look for no investigation to ensue, but instead, an interplanetary war to begin.
- Staff Alien Man Ed Xomcheese

Chlembhat 16, Qwumbian and former Staff Computer Technician, was found slain this morning in his hole outside Jerk headquarters.
Chlehbhat 16

While motive is not yet known, it is believed that the general hatred between Qwumbans and Zerbakians was the cause of the slaying. Cunkhull is not speaking on the matter, but did have this to say:
"Look at the qwumbian. His legs formed a H."
Look for no investigation to ensue, but instead, an interplanetary war to begin.
- Staff Alien Man Ed Xomcheese
April 18, 2010
Mort Glenn Found with Chili Bowl Head

QWEKINGER COUNTY - Believed to be dead months ago, Mort Glenn instead reappeared at Hey Jerk headquarters with a chili bowl head. It is Glenn's second head in a 37-year life, but the first that didn't include any common facial features.
"I do have bean-eyes and a spoon mustache," Glenn said through an interpreter. "I think everything is going to be OK."
- Staff correspondent Vingo Vance
New Zerbakian Hired at HQ

Cunkull, nephew of Wungstin from the planet Zerbak, has been hired as Hey Jerk's head of security. Though Cunkull will not be paid for his services, the sqwug9-year old will get to sleep in the 3rd floor dishwasher until it can find a suitable place to stay.
Other hirings
- Zink Gafreda, Staff Gafreda
- Evander Glenn, Raisins
April 17, 2010
Cotillion Found Alive

Staff Hippo Man, Squib Cotillion, rumored to be one of the staff members killed in the massacre at headquarters, Tuesday morning, was found with just a minor head cold and a half-eaten salami sandwich.
Cotillion will continue to monitor the blog's hippo population and is urging any hungry staff member to come by his office and have a bite of his sandwich.
"It's just a really, really good sandwich," said Cotillion. "$15 per bite, though."
April 16, 2010
New Alien Race Appears at Blog; Interplanetary War Probable
Wungstin, from the planet Zerbak, is officially the first Zerbakian hire here at The Jerk, brought on to be the Staff Nose Picker. Responsibilities will include not only picking his own nose (whereabouts of his nose unknown), but being available to pick staff members noses whenever needed. Eating of said pickings is at the discretion of the nose holder.
"I'll pick, I'll eat, I'll dispose - whatever is needed." said Wungstin.

Reaction at The Jerk has been mixed, but not on the part of Chlembhat 16, resident Staff Alien and Computer Technician.
"Qwumbans and Zerbakians hate each other. One of is going to die, and soon."
Look for a possible galactic war to ensue. Stay tuned.
- Staff Correspondent/Walrus Man Ed Xomcheese
Not Pictured - Teddy Pinecone and Shensen Queh
"I'll pick, I'll eat, I'll dispose - whatever is needed." said Wungstin.

Reaction at The Jerk has been mixed, but not on the part of Chlembhat 16, resident Staff Alien and Computer Technician.
"Qwumbans and Zerbakians hate each other. One of is going to die, and soon."
Look for a possible galactic war to ensue. Stay tuned.
- Staff Correspondent/Walrus Man Ed Xomcheese
Not Pictured - Teddy Pinecone and Shensen Queh
April 15, 2010
Xavier Needs Oil Change
April 14, 2010
April 13, 2010
Staff Czar Tuftberry Forms Staff Jail
In the first of what is to be many moves by new Staff Czar Clifton Tuftberry, a Staff Jail has been formed. Any staff members, civilians, or otherwise, will be held in the jail while their cases are in the court systems, or if convicted of a crime. To this end, a new Staff Judge will be appointed within 24 hours.
Staff Jail

In addition, Staff Czar announced his first arrest, Staff Button Enthusiast Wendell Didier. Didier is suspected of committing the recent mass homicide here at The Jerk, but Tuftberry is keeping it under tight wraps for now. "Didier killed them all" he said.
Wendell Didier (Under Arrest)

More news to come as Didier is held at the Staff Jail until the trial begins.
- Staff Correspondent Shensen Queh
Staff Jail

In addition, Staff Czar announced his first arrest, Staff Button Enthusiast Wendell Didier. Didier is suspected of committing the recent mass homicide here at The Jerk, but Tuftberry is keeping it under tight wraps for now. "Didier killed them all" he said.
Wendell Didier (Under Arrest)

More news to come as Didier is held at the Staff Jail until the trial begins.
- Staff Correspondent Shensen Queh
Sanchules Hired
New Staff Czar Hired, Replaces Rainbow After 3 Day Reign
Oscar Rainbows 3 day reign as Staff Emperor is over. To the delight of many of our readers, Rainbow has decided to take an alternate career path where his insanity can better be managed by the proper people.
Clifton Tuftberry, previously ruler of www.getyourasstomars.com, has agreed in principle to sign on at The Jerk as new Staff Czar.
"Thing's are going to change around here," stated Tuftberry through his lawyer, C. Vanderells Bwon, "And most are going to have to do with slayings and hirings."
Clifton Tuftberry

In the meantime, Rodney "Fat Neck" Glenn could be heard from the crowd yelling "We want Crugg! We want Crugg!"
Analysis of what Glenn was getting at is yet to be performed, but look for a Crugg reappearance in the coming hours.
- Staff Correspondent Walter Craggchuck
Clifton Tuftberry, previously ruler of www.getyourasstomars.com, has agreed in principle to sign on at The Jerk as new Staff Czar.
"Thing's are going to change around here," stated Tuftberry through his lawyer, C. Vanderells Bwon, "And most are going to have to do with slayings and hirings."
Clifton Tuftberry

In the meantime, Rodney "Fat Neck" Glenn could be heard from the crowd yelling "We want Crugg! We want Crugg!"
Analysis of what Glenn was getting at is yet to be performed, but look for a Crugg reappearance in the coming hours.
- Staff Correspondent Walter Craggchuck
Massacre at Headquarters
Sad news as six staff members and a passing vagrant were assassinated in front of the Hey Jerk headquarters building, late Monday.
The following perished and were denied burial/funeral under the state's No Avocado Law:
* Staff dentist, Jerry Jerry
* Cereal man, Varook Didier
* Staff correspondent, Larry
* Staff gorilla, Ernger Sanchules
* Assistant hobo, Erk Verner
* Hippo man, Squib Cotillion
No word yet on how the six were killed, though an investigation is expected to begin sometime before the Qwumbian New Year (May, 2015).
Non-employee killed: Gary Bannister
April 12, 2010
Rainbow Returns to Old Position
Oscar P. Rainbow was relieved of his duties as staff Prime Minister and will return to his role as staff editor, Hey Jerk announced Monday.
Rainbow also relieved himself of a beef burrito, which had been consumed and festered inside the 38-year old's stomach since April 9.
Rainbow also relieved himself of a beef burrito, which had been consumed and festered inside the 38-year old's stomach since April 9.
Paul Paulfield Jr. Hired

Paul Paulfield Jr., the son of recently-slained Paul Paulfield, has been hired to take over for his late-father as staff Paul Paulfield.
Paulfield Jr. will retain squirrel, Derrick, but let the can of anchovies leave via-free agency.
Several cans of tomato paste will be interviewed to fill the cabinet position.
- Staff correspondent Nat Murphy
April 11, 2010
Glenn Eaten

Abner Glenn was eaten by a lawnmower and perished for the third time in 2010.
Glenn was expected to lead a family revival, but he wandered onto the front lawn of Murray Klonsin, and died along with several blades of grass, a fire ant hill and an empty bottle of Citricrud soda.
No funeral has been planned, though Glenn's body is expected to be loudly disposed of in the Hey Jerk garbage disposal, early Monday.
The disposal, 4, had no comment.
April 8, 2010
Paulfield Slain
Staff Paul Paulfield Hired
BREAKING: Rainbow's Back
Oscar Q. Rainbow is back. After being laid off two days ago, Rainbow showed up at HQ this morning and assassinated Staff Tyrant Ned Flumpton. 4 seconds after, the commonly insane Rainbow appointed himself "Staff Prime Minister."
Look for a rule full of assassinations and insane ramblings. Us here at The Jerk certainly can't wait to see what sort of idiotic changes the man makes.
Oscar Rainbow, Staff Prime Minister
Look for a rule full of assassinations and insane ramblings. Us here at The Jerk certainly can't wait to see what sort of idiotic changes the man makes.
Oscar Rainbow, Staff Prime Minister

April 6, 2010
BREAKING: Rainbow Laid Off, Didier Hired
In breaking news, tough financial times have forced The Jerk to lay off one time editor Oscar Rainbow, pictured below.
In the meantime, Wendell Didier, brother of Varook Didier, has accepted the position of Staff Editor in place of Rainbow.
More details to come.
In the meantime, Wendell Didier, brother of Varook Didier, has accepted the position of Staff Editor in place of Rainbow.
More details to come.
- Staff Correspondent Ed Xomcheese
Abner Glenn, Vanderells Bwon Combine to Assassinate Maldonado, Cronkley and Byrd
In shocking news, formerly dead staff members C. Vanderells Bwon and Abner Glenn have made a comeback. Believing that the current Staff Lawyers were incompetent, Glenn and Bwon formed an alliance to come back from the grave, assassinate the three, and take over all Law relations for the blog. The blogs response:
"Glad to have you."
Abner Glenn (Back)

C. Vanderells Bwon (Back)

This is believed to be the first of what will become many reanimations of former staff members. Stay tuned exclusively to The Jerk for upcoming resurrections.
- Hey Jerk Correspondent Ed Xomcheese
"Glad to have you."
Abner Glenn (Back)

C. Vanderells Bwon (Back)

This is believed to be the first of what will become many reanimations of former staff members. Stay tuned exclusively to The Jerk for upcoming resurrections.
- Hey Jerk Correspondent Ed Xomcheese

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