April 16, 2010

New Alien Race Appears at Blog; Interplanetary War Probable

Wungstin, from the planet Zerbak, is officially the first Zerbakian hire here at The Jerk, brought on to be the Staff Nose Picker. Responsibilities will include not only picking his own nose (whereabouts of his nose unknown), but being available to pick staff members noses whenever needed. Eating of said pickings is at the discretion of the nose holder.

"I'll pick, I'll eat, I'll dispose - whatever is needed." said Wungstin.


Reaction at The Jerk has been mixed, but not on the part of Chlembhat 16, resident Staff Alien and Computer Technician.

"Qwumbans and Zerbakians hate each other. One of is going to die, and soon."

Look for a possible galactic war to ensue. Stay tuned.

- Staff Correspondent/Walrus Man Ed Xomcheese

Not Pictured - Teddy Pinecone and Shensen Queh

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