1:14 p.m. - Loses eyes in a watermelon fight
1:16 p.m. - Marries a dandelion, Martha
1:19 p.m. - Casted as the lead in the upcoming Thinway production of
A Sanchules Divided1:21 p.m. - While rehearsing lines, falls into a pool of ketchup
1:22 p.m. - Eats his way out of ketchup pool
1:25 p.m. - Divorces Martha
1:28 p.m. - Custody battle begins over the former couple's son, Toaster
1:30 p.m. - Kidnapped
1:36 p.m. - Kidnapper revealed as Vonshai's mother-in-law, Lemma

3:11 p.m. - Vonshai returned; missing five toe nails
3:14 p.m. - Eats entire tub of mayonnaise
3:18 p.m. - Befriends a mailbox flag
3:27 p.m. - Enters into 2010 Poo Fling
3:30 p.m. - Disqualified from Poo Fling after a video tape surfaces of a 1997 No Wipe
3:34 p.m. - Vonshai overdoses on Chuck Frozengard bobblehead dolls; dies