The two will meet in a 15-round bout, June 17 at Lump Fairgrounds. The winner's share is reportedly a case of Harvey Bly's toenails, while the loser will be forced to eat gravel.
Artist's balloon head renderings of Jathaway

And Winnepo

Here is a quick recap of the previous three fights:
March, 1977 - Before the CAAEI (Coleslaw Association of America Except Indiana) officially sanctioned 15-round bouts, Winnepo defeated Jathaway in the 114th round with his now-famous "coleslaw-in-the-ear". The Horace toy corporation issues its Hog Winnepo dolls, but has to pull all toys off the shelves when Terry Noodles, a 33-year old man in Cleveland, Ohio, accidentally ingests the figurine's feet and passes.
December, 1985 - Christmas Eve bout held at the North Pole is a split decision won by Winnepo. He later forfeits the title after a CAAEI-issued test finds performance-enhancing mailbox flags in Winnepo's system.
* January, 1985 - June, 1994: Winnepo missing/feared dead.
* July, 1994: Winnepo reported dead.
* September, 1994: Winnepo found to be alive. Actual death belonged to former mall Santa Claus PoPo Paul.
August, 1999 - An out-of-shape Jathaway eats his way out of the coleslaw pit and escapes. He isn't seen again for over 13 years. Winnebo wins by default and nearly overdoes on coleslaw during victory celebration.