December 10, 2010

"Capolo to Sea 2: Rainbow Attacks" Casting Revealed

Capolo as himself
DD Morris as Oscar Rainbow
Chuck Frozengard Jr. as "The Blimp"
Juzten Bogoba as Stan the shark
Oscar Rainbow as Illtz Febbers III
Shmoof Lintardo as Brad Kovacik
Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire (Cameo)
Jetpack Jones as the man living under Rainbow's toe
Freeda Jixon as Mr. Miyagi
Gary Gwemlock as the wandering snowblower
Mrooble Fonchonski as the octopus
Rory Pock as the softball coach
Kurt Aschermann as the evil Dr. Boofkus

Scheduled to be released in early 2014.

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