January 26, 2015

2015 Oscar Rainbow "Yankee Milestones" Revealed

As per the rule book, Oscar Rainbow has released his 2015 Yearly Yankee Milestones. In accordance with tradition, we will separate the milestones into a "Positive" and "Negative" category. Let's begin!


Yankees break 90 wins - Rainbow performs the "Nude Truffle Shuffle" at Rainbow Amphitheater

Yankees break 95 wins - Rainbow takes his shotgun "out of storage," assassinates his Mule, Maurice, as sacrifice

Yankees break 100 wins - Rainbow runs for, and is elected, President of the United States

Yankees break 110 wins - Rainbow flies to Cuba, jumps out of plane nude, perishes upon landing

Steven Drew hits over .250 - Rainbow bombs Egypt


Yankees lose 80 games - Rainbow runs screaming into a brick wall, falls into coma for just north of a week

Yankees lose 90 games - Rainbow attempts to hang himself, only to fail and be found 4 weeks later hungry and covered in his own fecal

Yankees lose 100 games - Rainbow covers himself in "C4" explosives, takes out Phillips Arena

Yankees lose 110 games - Rainbow boards Xomcheese Space Ship Q9, flies to the moon, takes his own life

Staff Correspondent Warren Fu

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