Showing posts with label Perton Plerp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perton Plerp. Show all posts

June 11, 2020

Plerp Brought On To Manage Untenable Goldfish Situation

Perton Plerp, former guard for the Indianapolis Colts, has been brought on to finally contain the goldfish infestation that has been hampering HQ over the past 177 years.


Plerp, who once ate an opposing nose guard with a side of a '44 Zinfandel, has many, many, many, (MANY) years of experience corralling goldfish.

"I corral goldfish" - Perton Plerp

Plerp will take up residence under the desk of Staff Wart Man Oscar Rainbow, who was recently demoted to his new role from his former position as Staff Anal Inspector.

"To be honest, it isn't that pleasant under here" - Perton Plerp

Plerp has passed on. Please stop by Oscar Rainbow's cubicle to pay your respects.

Perton Plerp: 1922-2024

- Staff Lawyer and Correspondent Ernest Ploop