Longtime Parrot rapist and semi-pro donkeyball player Dusty Lumonka has been located in a small burial ground outside HJ headquarters which was believed to be a prehistoric Larry mass grave.
Lumonka, a former editor at everyonehatesoscarrainbow.blogspot.com, is deceased and in "good spirits." He was invited by President Fat Neck Glenn to participate in the annual HJ Golf Tournament to honor prisoners of war tortured and murdered in the Hey Jerk Dungeons. He was glad to accept.
"I am honored to participate in the golf tourney and expect to perform admirably, at a 12-under pace."
Lumonka, while not hired, will receive an honorary cubicle on te 212th floor next to Staff Rabbit Porker Marvonious Ow.
- Staff Lumonka Eddie Lumonka