February 11, 2015

Bellafunkus reunites for worldwide tour

After not putting together an album or touring for more than seven years, Bellafunkus has reunited and announced a spring, 2015 world tour.

The brother trio, which won several Durlys in the 1990s (Best Old Album, Song We Wish Wasn't On This Soundtrack and Lifetime of Cheese & Mints, among others), will also be releasing a new full-length album, due out in late-2015.

Vocals, lead spaghetti guitar, rhythm pushing/shoving/shouting

Little Corbett
Bass made of potato skins/centipede tears, lead pushing/shoving

Staplers, lead shouting

2015 Tour

May 5 - Jobeek Alomar Fairgounds
May 10 - Crugg-Ossining College
May 19 - over there by those rain puddles
June 4 - Kerwin College
June 9 - Murton Shouse Amphitheater
June 20 - Yorlap Bar & Grill & Worm Trade Post
June 28 - near Darren's house somewhere
July 4 - Eddie Aquayo Memorial Amphitheater (opening for Jay'Shawn)
July 17 - Cronin Playhouse
July 20 - The Rigatoni Palace

- Correspondent Izzy Durly contributed to this story

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