April 9, 2012

Walton C. Crugg: Alive

Walton Confucious Crugg, the latest in a long line of Cruggs that are now deceased, is believed to be one of a handful of Cruggs left on this Earth. He has appointed himself King of the Cruggians, and will reign on Crugg Island and oversee the "restoration of the Crugg population to its previous glory and eventual dictatorship of the Earth."


Walton C. was previously unknown, as the last remaining Crugg was thought to have been 'taken care of' several years ago. The existence of additional Cruggs comes as a shock and as a point of interest to Staff President Fat Neck Glenn, who released the following statement through his mule translation architect, Mule Johnson:

" While we are saddened that the reign of the Cruggs seems to be on the precipice of a return, we firmly believe that in due time the Crugg Threat of 2012 will be remembered as a feeble attempt at power, and that the Crugg race simply is not capable of maintaining stability or life for any longer than a few months. Therefore, we choose to take no action against the Cruggians at this time. "

Stay tuned as more Cruggs are sure to "arise."

- Staff Crugg Analyst Bob Feathers

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