September 26, 2011

Chickenman Hired

In a stunning turn of events, The Jerk has recently begun hiring mutants. A steady reader may say "but what about all those other hires... aren't they mutants too?" The answer? "No. Don't be an idiot."

The Jerk's inaugural mutant hire comes in the form of Chorlin Chickenman. While his duties have not been completely defined yet, he will be in charge of individual staff wake up calls. The culmination of his interview was when he stripped naked and darted through the halls of The Jerk headquarters yelling "Cock-a-doodle-doooooooooo!" leaving mottled feathers in his wake.

While Chorlin is not yet a father, he has been sitting on the same hard-boiled egg (no relation to Rodney the soft-boiled egg) for 4 years in hopes of bringing forth a Chorlin, Jr. And we just know he'll be successful! We don't have the heart to tell him otherwise...

Next time you're visiting The Jerk headquarters, stop by Chorlin's roost and welcome him to the family. Be prepared to be challenged to a game of NES Duckhunt though - he's the champion in Singapore.

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