September 23, 2010

One Pock Perishes, Another Is Hired

Grant "Silly-Shoes" Pock has been hired on as Staff Diarrhea Inspector, according to editor Oscar Rainbow. Rainbow released the following statement after the hire:

"While we were pleasantly surprised to see Olin Pock die, we felt the need for a Pock presence here at The Jerk. That, combined with the growing need for a diarrhea man, lead us to hire Silly-Shoes."


"I'm honored to have this gig, and I promise my fans that I'll hit .230 for the rest of the year," Pock said.

That was all Pock had to say upon hearing of his hire. Please join us in welcoming Silly-Shoes to the staff.

- Cheecho Q.

EDITORS NOTE: Post 500 in less than a year. Well done.

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