February 7, 2014

"It's time for the Larry Larry era"

The above quote was taken from Channing Chu's state of the Otis speech this morning, officially signaling the start of the Larry Larry "era of understanding & corn on the cob discussions."

Larry Larry (full name: Larontae Larry Larry) grew up on a gravel boat off the coast of southern Africa and moved to the United States in 1987 to be closer to his corduroys, which had migrated to the country a few months earlier.

In 1993, he officially changed his name to Larry Larry in an effort to launch a solo music career. Through an unfortunate set of cultural misunderstandings, Larry Larry began snacking on a trumpet and instead of he and his band The Where & The How starting a 33-city tour at Sal Delmonico Amphitheater, Larry Larry was admitted to the hospital with third-degree spit valve. The band cancelled the tour a few minutes later when the body of bassist Vivian Pock split in half during a routine wheat bread pinching.

"The band has split up," Larry Larry said to a round of laughter from assembled reporters.

Finally released from the hospital in 2004, Larry Larry discovered he couldn't see and that he now had just a green bean for a lower body.

Larry Larry's office on the 19th floor will be filled to the ceiling with applesauce, as his lifetime contract states.

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