October 9, 2011

Oberman Spotted Yet Escapes, Again

Ross Oberman has been spotted by the local Uruguagian Gary Foundation (UGF). He apparently is in disguise once again, and at this point authorities are unsure as to whether or not they will ever be able to catch the increasingly cunning Dr. Oberman.

Oberman (In Uruguay)

Upon being located, Oberman threw a piece of note paper on the ground and sped off in his bright yellow Lamborghini. The note read the following:

"You will never catch me. I am smarter, faster, and more intelligent than you. In addition to that, I have gas. And while I'm at it, I'd like to issue a death threat to Oscar Rainbow, Editor at The Jerk and internationally renowned idiot. Your reign of gary is over, Rainbow. You've picked your last coolie."

Oberman is now missing once again. Any tips can be sent to FindRossOberman@obermanfoundation.com.

-Staff Lump Warren Lump

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