March 15, 2011

Johnson Hired

After years of service in a nearby flooded hotel, H.F. Johnson has been hired on as Staff Chinese.
Johnson has over 75 years experience in this industry, and has formerly worked at places such as:

- Wendy's

After being let go at Wendy's for C.D.S (cheeseburger defacation syndrome), Johnson went into hiding under an elephant in northwest Ethiopia for 53 years. He recently surfaced after the elephant blew wind on Johnson, severing an arm and leg. Happy Family quickly swam back to Conyers, Georgia and has been a staple in local restaurants for the past 64 years.

H.F. (Happy Family) Johnson

H.F. will be responsible for all Chinese related incidents, foods, and translations. In addition to this, Johnson has agreed to be responsible for circumcisions here at the Jerk. Johnson asked that we announce that he is part of the R.S.A. (Rainbow Supporters Anonymous), and would like to be referred to as "Gary" while on staff.

- T. Bibswitch

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