November 17, 2010

Smung Hired, Feathers Spotted with Walrus

Clive Smung, the first in a long line of Smungs to come to this blog, as been hired on by Editor Capolo as Staff Capolo Ballsack Washer.


Smung, a human caterpillar, had the following to say after his hire:

"The Smung family is a proud clan, and I intend to keep those testes spotless. At the same time, we will fight the Rainbow clan and their attempts at dictatorship."

On a side note: HQ was attacked by a pack of rabid walruses today around noon. While there were no known casualties, Bobby Feathers was found in the 14th floor restroom fornicating with a walrus who said his name was "Albert." Upon being caught, Feathers screamed and ran out the door pantsless. It is believed that he has relocated to the water heater closet in the basement.

- Staff Lead Correspondent Stinky Phopp

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