February 6, 2010

Poseidon Crugg Enraged Over Grover Crugg Death

The latest Crugg to rear his ugly head, Poseidon Crugg, had much to say over what he believes to be the homicide of his long lost great-grandson, Grover. (Expect Poseidon to be a regularly heard voice here at The Jerk over the next several months)

Poseidon Crugg

"Grover was murdered in medium-temperatured blood," said Poseidon, "The man had a heart of Pineapples. No way he'd just keel over and die. Cruggs persevere!"

In addition to this, Poseidon went on to state that he would not rest until he discovered the identity of the murderer of Grover. It is believed that he is in negotiations with Staff Assassin Salfonce Pepano to off the murderer when discovered.

Stay tuned for updates.

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