February 28, 2010

Lanugo Hired as Staff Detective

The Jerk staff are proud to announce the hiring of Dick Lanugo as Staff Detective. He was originally brought on as a temp to investigate the disappearance of Arbuckle Granuloma, former Staff Canary. Following his expert handling of the case, (Granuloma was found buried in the backyard of Macauley Culkin, in a Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream container) Jerk execs swiftly hired no-longer private eye Lanugo for an undisclosed yearly salary.

His first on-staff case is rumored to an in-depth analysis of what is being called the "Peculiar Case of the Cruggs," in five+ generations, there has not been a single female member of the Crugg family. Biologists are waiting with bated breath for Dick's first report.

Stay tuned.


- Staff Editor Aunt Estelle

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