December 14, 2009

Jerk To Hire Staff Dentist

The Jerk has received two applications and would like to leave it up to our many followers as to who gets the job. Responsibilities will include poo scooping. Without further adieu, here are the applicants:

Chet "Cheeto Man" Sanchez

Birth Name: Chester Randolph Sanchez, Jr.

DOB - 12/12/1846

Nickname(s) - "Cheeto Man," "The Pride of Yugoslavia," "Dirk"

College - Moscow Dental - 1967

Accomplishments - Once carved a live Ostrich. Can eat 7 Ritz crackers at once (Last: February, 1913). Dingleberries number in the thousands (stopped counting - 2007).

Comments: Wears signature light on forehead.

Nope Bradley

Birth Name - Nope Popponich Bradley

DOB - N\A, but age 44

Nickname(s) - "Humphead," "Six"

Accomplishments: Types 7 words per minute; owns four heads of lettuce.

Comments: Started the Great Bonham Dental School Fire: May, 1997.

Please submit your votes via the comment feature below. Hiring to be completed this evening.

- Larry, Jerk Correspondent\Hippo

UPDATE - 4:45 p.m.

Total votes:

Chet Sanchez - 7
Nope Bradley - 6


Fat Neck Glenn - 2
Larry - 1

UPDATE - 8:55 p.m.

Sanchez: 14
Bradley: 9
Fat Neck Glenn: 5
Larry: 1
d. devito: 1


Shonsen Sr. said...

I like to throw a write-in vote for Larry, staff writer. But if I cant vote for him, Im with the Cheeto Man. That other guy looks like a martian.

Derwood Morris said...

Martians know how to extract molars, pal. I don't know why that would keep him from landing the gig. My vote is for Bradley.

Randy 5 said...

Cheeto Man is a silly nickname. Plus, I don't know what 'carved a live ostrich' means. Yup on Nope.

crazy shane said...

jerk donts have dentals.

bradley couldna spurked a cavern if his windoms were a fanny base, and sanchez moth has none gumslippers.


crazy shane

Barry said...

Martians are ugly. Go with Cheeto.

Skip said...

Nope Bradley did some work on a friend of mine, Farley Timmons. Suffice it to say, Mr. Timmons can no longer walk.

Stay safe - Chet's my man.

Honcho P. said...

Nope isnt a name. Its the opposite of Yup.

Vote for "The pride of Yugoslavia" here.

Angela Maxwell said...

I heard Nope uses plastic silverware on his patients.

Got to go with Sanchez.

Estelle Bradley said...

this is Popponich's mother, Estelle. Vote for my son, he's a good boy.

Farley Timmons said...

Nope had nothing to do with my legs being gone. I sawed them off before I came in for my cleaning. Didn't need them.

Nope was a professional and he did excellent work and only charged me two cats and a pile of sneezed-on notebook paper.

Plus, his assistant, Dorothy, who may or may not have been a moose, gave me her phone number.

Nope gets my vote.

Kurt A. said...

Nope smears poo on his patients elbows.

Sanchez\Jerk '09

Maria Sanchez said...

My boys a good man. Once carried a blind midget 14 feet to safety of the walrus attacks.

Vote for Sanchez.

Tomato Murphy said...

write-in vote: Fat Neck Glenn.

Flipper said...

Listen here people - I'ma hunt yous down who voted for Sanchez and fling walnut goo atcha.


Anonymous said...

Write in - Fat Neck Glenn.

Kids got sausage.

Professor Kellen Barfield said...

I had Mr. Sanchez in my Wisdom 101 class during the fall of 1965. If he wasn't sleeping and drooling on the desk, he was making inappropriate noises with his arm pit or flinging feces at some of our female students. His grades were good enough to pass, but on graduation day he came to the ceremony wearing nothing but a leotard. I wouldn't trust him with a can of diet soda, let alone a bur or dental mirror.

1 vote for Nope Bradley.

Professor Steinberg - Tasbo High '73 said...

Nope was in my Flatulence 4000 level class his senior year of high school. Highest grade he received on an exam was a 37 (out of 100), and he frequently raised his hand just to say "Rhombus."

How he made it to being a dentist I will never know, but vote here for Sanchez.

Lumpy Forehead Alice said...

my brother, Glenn, should get the gig. He not only pulls rotten teeth, he keeps them in a jar above the refrigerator.

1 write-in vote for Fat Neck Glenn

Chim said...

Nope gets my vote. I like his head humps A LOT.

Chenway said...

Nope, Nope, Nope, Yulp!

Vivian Landers said...

one more write-in for Fat Neck Glenn. guy deserves it after what happened to him at the '08 Salad Olympics.

Reverend Fellers, M.D. said...

Sanchez. I weight 450 lobs so I count for 4 votes.

Beluga Bob said...

Who votes for a guy named NOPE?

Sanchez - Yup.

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with "Cheeto Man." Man likes Cheetos - cant go wrong. Plus Bradley looks like a hammer.

Trumbo said...

sanchezes couldn't cough on nope's jogging strap.

volts for nope.

Chet Sanchez said...


Anonymous said...

Here's why I'm voting for Nope Bradley: Sanchez did some work on my teeth back in aught-5. I went in there and asked him where I should sit. He said 'we stand here'. So for the next two hours I had to stand while he worked on my teeth. He was sitting on this giant stool, about 10 feet off the ground and he keeps saying things like 'well, that wasn't supposed to happen' and 'I wonder if I glued that back onto his gums, would he even notice?'

Then as I'm leaving his office, he has an armed guard escort me to my car.

Anonymous said...

write-in vote for d. devito

Fimmy Lover said...

Fat Neck "Fimmy" Glenn

Yongo said...

Lemme get 7 votes - Glenn.

That'll be 14 dollars.

Salamander Society said...

salamander society for fat neck glenn!

Oscar Rainbow said...

"Yongo said...
Lemme get 7 votes - Glenn.

That'll be 14 dollars."

Looks like we've got ourselves some old-fashioned voter fraud. Fat Neck Glenn's candidacy is currently under investigation.

Anonymous said...

another write-in for d. devito

Nope Bradley said...

1 vote for Nope

Randolph Hensley-Biddinger said...

One write-in vote for Randolph Hensley-Biddinger

Capolo said...

No voting for yourself.

Hensley-biddinger disqualified.

Fat Neck Glenn - 7 votes APPROVED.

D.Devito said...

One write in for John Candy

Ted Hompton said...

Chet has my vote. Once dated my daughter (squirrel).

Brendon said...

Nope has my vote. And my pastrami sandwich.

J. Candy said...

One write in - Fat Neck.

Two write ins - D. Devito

sally chamberlain said...

"Glenn is the guy for the job."

- Sally Chamberlain

"Just the ten of us" said...

One vote - Fat Neck Glenn

12 votes - Fat Neck Glenn

3 votes - D. Devito

Farley Timmons said...

I been to over 25 dentists!!! I say Sanchez\Foobel '09

Oscar Rainbow said...

Update - 9:20 p.m.

Fat Neck Glenn: 28
Chet Sanchez: 12
Nope Bradley: 11
d. devito: 7
John Candy: 1
Larry: 1

**Polls close at 10:30 p.m. EST**

Bill Keester said...

Fat Neck Glenn in 2009

Wally said...

D.Devito - 14 votes (Arugula)

Larry - one vote

Nope Bradley - negative 7 votes

Vin said...

Glenn said...


Oscar Rainbow said...

Wally, you can't vote negative seven times for someone. I've alerted the proper authorities and they are en route to your apartment as we speak.

Farrah said...

write-in for Stuart Fratkin

Red Fratkin said...

Fratkin died - can you vote for dead guys on this thing?

Guelph said...

Write in - Rainbow

Bibb Lemming said...

sanchez tried to fill my cavity with fudge.

i vote for Bradley

Nope Bradley said...

I vote for Sanchez. I dont know what Im doing.

Charles said...

Fat Neck Glenn should be this web site's dentist. I think he's earned it seeing as how he seems to be nothing more than an empty paper bag.

Leech said...

Bradley's campaign is crumbling. I can't get behind a guy that votes for his opponent.

Sanchez for hey jerk dentist

"Donkey Face" Nelson said...

Devito all the way.

C-Man Sanchez said...

Vote for Bradley - I have a light attached to my forehead.

Nan88 said...

1 vote for bologna head dresses

Anonymous said...


Trent said...

DF Nelson for governor

Ralph said...

Sanchez. Guy can drive.

Rocco Harold Buxby said...

R.H. Biddinger - '09

Derwood said...

Fat Neck Glenn

Capolo said...

Guest vote from morris could seal the deal for Glenn.

Jose Robledo said...


Nope Bradley said...

Sanchez - 12 votes

Horatio Arredondo said...


Patricia said...

Fat Neck Glenn has my vote. I just hope when he starts practicing dentistry again he realizes that it's a good idea to wear a shirt, pants and shoes, not just shoes.

Fat Neck Glenn said...

Donkey Face Nelson - 83 votes

Oscar Rainbow said...

fat neck glenn's 83 votes for donkey face nelson will not be counted.

Rondae Maldanado said...


Fat Neck Glenn said...

Why not? Cant I vote for a competitor?

The Nelson Committee said...

Nelson - 5 votes

mary devito said...

write-in for d. devito

Rhea Perlman said...

Vote - Candy

Anthony 569 said...

I'm voting for my neighbor Roger's beard

International Donkey Society said...

Nelson - 7,263 votes

Capolo said...

Anthony 569's vote will not be accepted - cannot vote for a beard.

Anonymous said...

when donkey face was starting out as a dentist in the early 90s, he didn't use a drill, just went at your teeth with a knife and fork.

I can't vote for man with that little regard for his patients. Plus, he has a huge head.

Englin said...

My vote goes to my goldfish, Marty

Oscar Rainbow said...

No voting more than once to help speed up the counting process. So any idiot voting 7,000 times will be ignored.

international donkey society said...

thats discrimination against our kind and our society.

Oscar Rainbow said...

Update - 10:09 p.m.

Fat Neck Glenn - 37
Chet Sanchez - 17
Nope Bradley - 14
d. devito - 9
John Candy - 2
Larry - 2
Donkey Face Nelson - 2
Stu Fratkin - 1

Capolo said...

Fratkin vote didnt count - dead.

Nelson has at least 5 votes.

Pooface McGrath said...

I demand a recount!!! Long Live Nelson!

Oscar Rainbow said...

final voting being tallied. Winner announced soon.

Anonymous said...

congrats to Fat Neck Glenn.

I wonder when is his first cleaning, or if this was just an elaborate hoax to get us to buy dishwashing detergent.