September 7, 2010

Vonshai Sanchules Cleans House

Vonshai Sanchules, a little known Sanchules from the western Uruguagian islands, incited a riot at Jerk HQ today when he was not allowed access to the staff restroom. After being told to leave the premises by security, Sanchules fell into a violent rage, killing four staff members and running off into the woods nude.

Sanchules Wanted Photo

Mass Slaying (Berman, Buckleberger, Clinkman, Femmwoos)

Please join us in 4 seconds of mourning for our lost brethren, after which all employees are invited to meet for food and drinks and Harry's local watering hole.

Sanchules is now wanted in the woods surrounding HQ. If anyone has any information on how to locate this naked lunatic, please let us know.

- Staff Correspondent Cheecho Q.

1 comment:

Riley said...

good to hear buckleberger is finally gone.