October 23, 2011

Mensh Barkley: R.I.W.

Mensh Barkley died early Tuesday morning. His closest neighbor spoke at the funeral. Here's the eulogy in its entirety, except for the parts that are not included.

"I knew Mensh, maybe better than anyone, but probably not better than that guy sitting over there. He was a champion bobsledder, but he never bobsledded. Grew two kids in his garden-K'Peen and Dossandra-and bought a wife at a Chevron, Doot, who ate a sled full of hotdogs in 1943 and lived, then died.

Just to clear some things up, this is the official runaway train story: it was June 5, 1977. Mensh throws a stapler at a train while shouting profanities in his native Portuguese. Train flattens Mensh. Not dead, but oddly missing his dungarees. And his legs.

Humiliated by his father's refusal to have his own legs, K'Peen, took his own life in a vat of diet cola in 1998. I'll remember Mensh for his brown hair, and I'm afraid I can't think of anything else."

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