May 26, 2012

Hu Maintains Possession of HQ; Minkus Plans Counterattack

The evil John Hu, who recently invaded Jerk HQ while killing over 400 innocent civilians (including little Randall Moo), has taken over HQ and released a new photo and statement through his advisor, Francois Crugg.


"I have invaded. I have eaten Bill Schroeder, and have made in Minkus's private facility. The reign of the Jerk is over, expect Hu world domination to follow. Over and out - Hu"

In response to this statement, Fat Neck Glenn Minkus had no response from his secret dungeon location deep inside Rainbow Forest. Expect a counterattack in the coming days.

- Staff Hu Man Warren Lump

1 comment:

ahhhh!!!!! said...
