December 13, 2009

Horse for sale


* Interesting hippo trades considered *

Chozblin box 744


Franklin Sr. said...

I got a small, legless hippo named Walter. Im interested in a trade. Contact me at 4.

Shonsen Sr. said...

Ill trade you 4 charred urinal doors. Let me know.


Len said...

What can I get for this napkin I found?

Greg U. said...

I got a tortoise - seven legs, no shell. Call me if interested.

Woolie said...

I've got the $39,000, but I don't need the horse. Is there a donation box?

Trayvon said...

My mother's got $40 and I can throw in $10. Give me one of the horse's ears for $50.

Mo said...

horse still available? I've got 11 cat whiskers and an empty carton of orange juice.

Ned said...

That horse still for sale? I've got 3 dollars and a picture of a horse. Different horse.