Dom BaDoo was one of the most celebrated New York "Yankees" left fielders of all time. We here at The Jerk would like to honor him with a timeline of his lifes memorable achievements.
July, 1922 - Drafted in 122nd round by Cleveland
July, 1922 - Traded to Cincinnati for Oak Benkman
July, 1922 - Traded to Ottawa for Harry Chiselfoot
July, 1922 - Run over by horse
August, 1922 - Released by Ottawa
August, 1922 - Signed by New York Yankees
December, 1922 - Celebrated Christmas
April, 1922 - Opened up as starting Left Fielder for the New York Yankees
June, 1922 - Recorded his 1000th Major League Hit (Double)
July, 1924 - Killed Merl Tippo with bloop single to left
October, 1928 - Named World Series MVP after a 4-16 showing in Series
June, 1930 - Eaten by wild walrus released onto field by fans
September, 1934 - Recorded 1100th career hit
April, 1940 - Killed by routine fly ball in Kansas City
September, 1940 - Recorded first Grand Slam of career in Milwaukee
June, 1940 - Run over by stampede of elephants at Yankee Stadium
July, 1940 - Pitched 8th inning against St. Louis, allowed 3 runs
June, 1941 - Officially retired from MLB
July, 1941 - Caught fly ball in left against Cleveland
August, 1959 - Remains honored in left field by visiting Reds
August, 1959 - Takes bow in honor of his tribute
September, 1960 - Hired as Manager of New York Yankees
August, 1971 - Relieved of duties by New York Yankees
May, 1975 - Participates in and completes Boston Marathon
May, 1977 - Catches fly ball in left to complete 3 game sweep of Boston, clinching the pennant
August, 1988 - Named President
Further updates to come, as the "future has not yet been written" - Yancey Fogpatch
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