August 23, 2011

Job Interview

Hey Jerk's recent interview with Hector Wertz:

Hector Wertz: hello, I'm looking for work
Editor, Capolo: what type?
HW: anything with your influential site, I just want to be part of the experience.
C: oh sure sure. I have Staff Sure
HW: I'll apply for it
C: experience?
HW: sure, sure
C: ok good, schooling?
HW: Oppolis Tech - '73-'76, expelled for Sure
C: wow, that's rough
HW: sure


C: ok, criminal history?
HW: sure-1993 I kidnapped Hank Sure
C: that isn't good
HW: I was sure sorry when they caught me, spent 6 years in Sure-Sure
C: you sound like an ideal candidate
HW: sure
C: one more question
HW: sure
C: Dinkus?
HW: I don't understand the question, but sure
C: hired, when can you start?
HW: sure as I'm sitting here, I can start august of 2012. I need a year to be sure
C: hired
HW: sure

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