May 4, 2011

Casting Released for Upcoming Film

"Murder, Again: The Shermania Chronicles"

Set for release in a theater near you sometime in Fall, 2016


Sherman Shermania as Capolo
Capolo as Sherman Shermania
Bon Bontley as the filthy toilet
Shonsen Pepano as himself (cameo)
Gary Chisholm as the evil rabbit
Pol Polberg as the seven-foot wonder
Vince Shermania as Dr. Larry
Beckmann Goolie as Asparagus Johnson
Mel Gibson as Rabbi Shleckam
Aunt Estelle as the ice cream truck operator/serial killer
Lil' O Rainbow as Orphan Shonsane
Horace Bumblebee as Nascar driver (cameo)
Walter Wie as President Gary

And introducing....

Simon Q. Shermania III as murder victim no. 4

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