February 12, 2010

After Second Queh Family Death, Quehs Coming Out of the Woodworks

After the death of a second Queh (Bensen) in less than a week, more and more Queh family members are showing their displeasure with The Jerk by protesting in front of the collapsed HQ.
Upon arriving for work this morning at 4:53 AM, Staff Editor Capolo was surprised to see two picketing Queh's - Rothgar and Shibashish (Ed) Queh, known as deadly banana men on their own planet.

"The Queh's will rise again!" shouted Rothgar. Ed had no comment.

Rothgar Queh

Shibashish (Ed) Queh

Stay tuned for more updates on the protests of the Quehs.

- Fat Neck Glenn (Ghost), Staff Doctor


Oscar Rainbow said...

The Quehs are a disturbing-looking bunch.

Werner said...

they are really really ugly. I agree.

Tolliver said...

Maybe this will help -
